Stand : C-67

The first Estonian toothpaste tablets that are 100% natural. Contains no synthetic ingredients such as sodium lauryl sulphate and sodium monofluorophosphate. Tablets are available in glass jars and refill packs. 

At the fair, we will be offering the products at a DISCOUNT! 

Our peppermint is ravenous and you can feel it. Menthol in a tablet gives a fresh and refreshing taste, has a numbing effect and reduces tooth sensitivity. 

Lemon is slightly tart but with a mild undertone. Potassium citrate in tablets helps to balance pH levels and protects teeth against acid attack. 

Spearmint has all the mint and freshness, but is just milder. Green mint oil adds a fresh and refreshing taste, bringing relief to sensitive teeth. The soothing aroma can relieve stress and anxiety. 

Tea tree and activated charcoal tablets have a velvety texture. The polishing charcoal removes stains and whitens teeth. Activated charcoal also provides antimicrobial support, freshens breath and ensures a more beautiful smile. 

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