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OÜ Lasita Maja was founded in Tartu in 1998. The company has grown year by year, and today it is one of the largest manufacturers of wooden houses in Europe. 2019. lasita Maja has been part of the Outdoor Life Group since 1998. To learn more about the company, click here.
Lasita Maja employs more than 250 people, producing a total of around 40 000 different buildings a year. Three different production bases allow the production of wooden buildings with wall thicknesses of 19 / 21 / 28 / 34 / 40 / 44 / 70 and 92 mm, starting with garden houses, sheds, summer houses, saunas, pavilions, garages and children's houses and ending with special projects for our best partners. Our work on special projects is proof of the fact that we value our customers' needs, as is our wide range of products - today we have around 500 different models in our assortment.
For the satisfaction of our customers, we devote a great deal of attention to quality, and as proof of this, LRQA AS has issued Lasita Maja with the ISO 9001 Quality Management System certificate since 29 November 2007. The use of FSC-certified timber in our company is a testimony to the fact that we also attach great importance to the protection of nature. The FSC is a sign of our responsible attitude towards our natural resources and thus towards our common future.
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