Stand : 1C5


is the assignee of Phoenix Contact RUS LLC, a subsidiary of Phoenix Contact, a world-class company founded in 1923, an innovator in the market of industrial electrical engineering and automation. AvalonElectroTech is a structure of the investment holding Avalon Group.

AvalonElectroTech manufactures and supplies electrical products for key industries, creates complex solutions and automation systems.

It includes:

  • 10 branches,
  • Stupino Electrotechnical Plant (STEZ)
  • Production and Service Center
  • Regional development center
  • Modern electrical laboratory
  • Metrological service.

Stupino Electrotechnical Plant (STEZ)

Russian plant that manufactures electrical products under the ©STEZ brand. Production in Stupino has the most modern automated production, which means high productivity and a guarantee of stable quality of products.

Every day we work to ensure that in the future our customers and partners can always count on innovative solutions, quality and reliability of AvalonElectroTech.

 AvalonElectroTech invites you to visit booth 1C5 at the World Climate Expo - 2023 exhibition in Pavilion No. 1 of the Central Exhibition Complex Expocentre.

Contact us:


Phone: +7 (495) 933-85-48 


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8 109
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119619 Moscow, Novomeshchersky proezd,
house 9, building 1, office 213

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Photo gallery of trips

AvalonElectroTech video presentation

AvalonElectroTech - supplier and manufacturer of electrical connectors and electronic components


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119619 Moscow, Novomeshchersky proezd,
house 9, building 1, office 213