
Frost treyd

The company "Frost Treyd" offers products from the world's leading manufacturers: COPELAND, ALCO CONTROLS, FESSEN, ASPERA, HITACHI, HISPANIA, SUNISO, BRISTOL, BREIZER, VALUE, etc. Provides to its clients: high quality goods and services; flexible system of discounts depending on the total cost of the purchase (contract) and the frequency of purchases; warranty and post-warranty repair services; highly competitive prices for goods sold and services rendered; services for the design and repair of refrigeration chambers and units.

The company sells a wide range of spare parts and components for the repair, installation and maintenance of refrigeration and air conditioning systems of any complexity, from household refrigerators, retail counters, showcases, refrigerated cabinets, refrigerators to industrial refrigerated warehouses and air conditioning systems.

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300012,  г.Тула, ул.Н.Руднева, д.28а

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300012,  г.Тула, ул.Н.Руднева, д.28а