- Exponents
- Resol- production of rotary recuperators

Resol- production of rotary recuperators
Our main goal is to create a product that will allow the end user to save on energy. The main consumers of our products are manufacturers of climate control equipment and ventilation systems.
Principle of operation:
The operation of the rotary regenerator is based on heat recovery.
A drum made of wavy aluminum sheets accumulates heat during rotation, which is transferred from the air removed from the room.
Moving into the supply air zone, the accumulating mass gives off the accumulated heat, thereby heating up fresh air, which is then supplied to the serviced room by a ventilation unit.
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РОССИЯ, Республика Татарстан, г. Казань, ул. Химическая, 21
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РОССИЯ, Республика Татарстан, г. Казань, ул. Химическая, 21