- Exponents

Development, production, manufacturing services, OEM and ODM projects
SEMZ REMO is a Russian manufacturer of household appliances and electronics from Saratov, with more than 35 years of experience.
One of our main activities is the production of new generation heating devices:
- convectors with monolithic heating element X-shape
- IR heaters
- ceiling heaters
- baseboard heaters and many other things.
Also offer a wide range of disinfectants-recirculators to ensure a healthy atmosphere in homes, offices and industrial premises.
We offer mutually beneficial cooperation in the OEM and ODM-projects.
Our developers gladly undertake the realization of any, even the most complex projects.
Our production capacity allows us to produce up to 1000 ready-made items per day.
Конвекторы, ИК-обогреватели, рециркуляторы, тепловентиляторы
Contact with us
SEMZ REMO is a Russian manufacturer of household appliances and electronics from Saratov, with more than 35 years of experience.
One of our main activities is the production of new generation heating devices:
- convectors with monolithic heating element X-shape
- IR heaters
- ceiling heaters
- baseboard heaters and many other things.
Also offer a wide range of disinfectants-recirculators to ensure a healthy atmosphere in homes, offices and industrial premises.
We offer mutually beneficial cooperation in the OEM and ODM-projects.
Our developers will gladly undertake the realization of any, even the most complex projects.
Our production capacity allows us to produce up to 1000 ready-made items per day.