- Exponents

ROVEN is a leading Russian manufacturer and reliable supplier of ventilation equipment. ROVEN has been offering effective solutions for creating microclimate in premises of various types since 2002.
- Our own sales network and comprehensive approach to equipment supply open up almost unlimited possibilities for our customers.
- Each office of the company presents a wide range of products that can meet any needs of the client for the organization of high-quality ventilation and air conditioning systems in rooms of various types and purposes.
- In our work we take into account successful experience of the world leading companies. The range of ROVEN Group presents all elements of ventilation systems - from air inlets, fans and various air diffusers to expendable materials for installation.
We supply high quality products, taking into account the interests and needs of customers, terms and prices - our main task. In addition to products of our own production we offer ventilation equipment of leading Russian and world manufacturers.- All products manufactured by ROVEN is certified in accordance with applicable norms and standards.
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