- Exponents
- Journal "Architecture and construction"

Журнал "Архитектура и строительство"
"Architecture and Construction" is an information and analytical magazine whose mission is the development of architectural and construction complexes of the Urals and Siberia, interregional and international exchange of professional information between investors, architects, builders, manufacturers and suppliers of materials, technologies and equipment, introduction into practice of advanced architectural, design and technical ideas solutions, modern materials and equipment, scientific developments.
Magazine is focused on managers. Specialists, top-managers, large building enterprises, businessmen in the sphere of construction and architecture, producers and suppliers of building materials, equipment and specialized services
Circulation: 5000 copies.
Publication format: A4
Volume: 38-70 pp.
Geography of distribution - Tyumen, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Sverdlovsk regions, Altai territory, Moscow, St.-Petersburg.