Stand : 1C1005

TechnoFrost is a Russian manufacturer of industrial refrigeration equipment, ventilation and air conditioning systems. A high-tech plant with a full production cycle. All TechnoFrost products meet international quality and energy efficiency standards, and a wide range of products allows us to provide the best solutions for any task.

Manufactured equipment:

  • Refrigeration units for any refrigerants, including NH3 and CO2.
  • Chillers for air conditioning systems.
  • Climatic equipment for data processing centers.
  • Refrigeration units of monoblock and container type.
  • Refrigeration equipment for ice arenas.
  • Pump and receiver stations, heat recovery systems.
  • Plate freezers.
  • Ice accumulators and film panel evaporators, heat exchangers.
  • Central air conditioning and ventilation systems.

New product lines are currently being developed and a new production building with an area of more than 5,500 m2 is under construction.

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7 521

Office address: Moscow, Dezhneva passage, 1

Factory address: 601010, Vladimir region, Kirzhach, st. Rowan, 56

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Office address: Moscow, Dezhneva passage, 1

Factory address: 601010, Vladimir region, Kirzhach, st. Rowan, 56