
GRK is a Finnish construction group operating in Finland, Sweden and Estonia. We employ almost 900 professionals and our turnover in 2020 was close to 390 million euros. Our customers include the state administration, municipalities and cities, as well as the private sector. In addition, we work on several projects in cooperation with other companies in the infrastructure sector.

The GRK Group’s core competencies include the implementation of demanding infrastructure construction projects, project management of large projects and extensive railway track construction expertise. Infrastructure construction covers traffic route construction, special construction, environmental construction and industrial construction, and we provide all the necessary services from design to construction and maintenance.

We have accumulated a wealth of experience in demanding infrastructure projects, and we have a clear vision of how to manage projects. With us leading their projects, our customers do not have to worry about anything. Thanks to our straightforward and agile approach, we are able to react quickly and deliver what we promise. The more challenging the project, the better it suits us.

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