
SUVA manufactures a range of products for men, women and children - socks, stockings, tights, knee-highs, etc. The quality of our products meets European DSC_0025 standards - more than half of our production is sold in the Nordic countries and other European countries.
The factory employs 124 people. Over 400 pieces of equipment are in use: sock machines (Lonati, Sangiacomo, Nagata, Bentley, Matec, Fantasia, etc.), sewing machines (Rosso, MauserLock, etc.), finishing machines (Autotex, Takatori, TriCoset, Heliot).
The Suva sock factory produces on average 3 million pairs of socks per year.

SUVA socks are available in well-stocked stores all over Estonia, in our factory shop and also in our own e-shop, which has become very popular. The quality and design of our socks are praised by the garment manufacturers. We also count these latter qualities as our advantages over our competitors.

The word SUVA is derived from the word SUka VAbrik.

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